Jai Hanuman: Cinema's most spectacular Hanuman has arrived, the last film earned Rs 450 crores Jai Hanuman is going to revive the most sacred and famous mythological superhero. It promises to give a unique cinematic experience, as in its recently released first look we can see Kantara star Rishab Shetty as Lord Hanuman.
Jai Hanuman First Look: Prashant Verma's much awaited sequel Jai Hanuman has been in the headlines since its announcement. 'Jai Hanuman' is an important project of Prashant Verma Cinematic Universe, which remains a topic of discussion among the audience. The tremendous success of the film 'Hanuman' has made it even more special, as it has won the hearts of the audience by performing brilliantly at the box office. In such a situation, now all eyes are on 'Jai Hanuman'. Jai Hanuman is going to revive the most sacred and famous mythological superhero. It promises to be a unique cinematic experience as in its recently released first look, we can see Kantara star Rishab Shetty as Lord Hanuman.
Yesterday, the first poster of Jai Hanuman was released, which created a buzz among the audience. Showing Lord Hanuman in all his might, this poster has increased the excitement for today's special release. Just a day before Diwali, the first look of Jai Hanuman has been revealed, in which Rishab Shetty is seen as Lord Hanuman. The makers shared this exciting first look on social media with a special caption, writing in the caption:
This first look poster marks the beginning of a new Indian superhero cinematic universe. It promises to be the world's largest superhero universe, linked to Indian mythological stories. Produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y. Ravishankar, the film "Jai Hanuman" is going to showcase high quality and excellent technical standards. Because these producers are known for their focus on quality.